Senin, 28 Desember 2009

..Kata temenku si pria sholeh (buletin friendster) bicara tentang Wanita...

Kamu tau kenapa saya suka wanita itu pakai jilbab?

Jawabannya sederhana, karena mata saya susah diajak kompromi. Bisa dibayangkan bagaimana saya harus mengontrol mata saya ini mulai dari keluar pintu rumah sampai kembali masuk rumah lagi. Dan kamu tau? Di kampus tempat saya seharian disana, kemana arah mata memandang selalu saja membuat mata saya terbelalak. Hanya dua arah yang bisa membuat saya tenang, mendongak ke atas langit atau menunduk ke tanah.

Melihat kedepan ada perempuan berlenggok dengan seutas “Tank Top”, noleh ke kiri pemandangan “Pinggul terbuka”, menghindar kekanan ada sajian “Celana ketat plus You Can See”, balik ke belakang dihadang oleh “Dada menantang!” Astaghfirullah… kemana lagi mata ini harus memandang?
Kalau saya berbicara nafsu, ow jelas sekali saya suka. Kurang merangsang itu mah! Tapi sayang, saya tak ingin hidup ini dibaluti oleh nafsu. Saya juga butuh hidup dengan pemandangan yang membuat saya tenang. Saya ingin melihat wanita bukan sebagai objek pemuas mata.

Tapi mereka adalah sosok yang anggun mempesona, kalau dipandang bikin sejuk di mata. Bukan paras yang membikin mata panas, membuat iman lepas ditarik oleh pikiran “ngeres” dan hatipun menjadi keras.
Andai wanita itu mengerti apa yang sedang dipikirkan oleh laki-laki ketika melihat mereka berpakaian seksi, saya yakin mereka tak mau tampil seperti itu lagi. Kecuali bagi mereka yang memang punya niat untuk menarik lelaki untuk memakai aset berharga yang mereka punya.

Istilah seksi kalau boleh saya definisikan berdasar kata dasarnya adalah penuh daya tarik seks. Kalau ada wanita yang dibilang seksi oleh para lelaki, janganlah berbangga hati dulu. Sebagai seorang manusia yang punya fitrah dihormati dan dihargai semestinya anda
malu, karena penampilan seksi itu sudah membuat mata lelaki menelanjangi anda, membayangkan anda adalah objek syahwat dalam alam pikirannya.

Berharap anda melakukan lebih seksi, lebih… dan lebih lagi. Dan anda tau apa kesimpulan yang ada dalam benak sang lelaki? Yaitunya: anda bisa diajak untuk begini dan begitu alias gampangan

Mau tidak mau, sengaja ataupun tidak anda sudah membuat diri anda tidak dihargai dan dihormati oleh penampilan anda sendiri yang anda sajikan pada mata lelaki. Jika sesuatu yang buruk terjadi pada diri anda, apa itu dengan kata-kata yang nyeleneh, pelecehan seksual atau mungkin sampai pada perkosaan.

Siapa yang semestinya disalahkan? Saya yakin anda menjawabnya “lelaki” bukan? Oh betapa tersiksanya menjadi seorang lelaki dijaman sekarang ini. Kalau boleh saya ibaratkan, tak ada pembeli kalau tidak ada yang jual. Simpel saja, orang pasti akan beli kalau ada yang nawarin.

Apalagi barang bagus itu gratis, wah pasti semua orang akan berebut untuk menerima. Nah apa bedanya dengan anda menawarkan penampilan seksi anda pada khalayak ramai, saya yakin siapa yang melihat ingin mencicipinya.

Begitulah seharian tadi saya harus menahan penyiksaan pada mata ini. Bukan pada hari ini saja, rata-rata setiap harinya. Saya ingin protes, tapi mau protes ke mana? Apakah saya harus menikmatinya…? tapi saya sungguh takut dengan Zat yang memberi mata ini.

Bagaimana nanti saya mempertanggungjawabkan nanti? sungguh dilema yang berkepanjangan dalam hidup saya.

Allah Taala telah berfirman: “Katakanlah kepada laki-laki yang beriman, Hendaklah mereka menahan pandangannya dan memelihara kemaluannya”, yang demikian itu adalah lebih suci bagi mereka. Sesungguhnya Allah Maha Mengetahui apa yang mereka

Katakanlah kepada wanita beriman “Hendaklah mereka menahan pandangannya dan memelihara kemaluannya.” (QS. An-Nuur : 30-31).
Jadi tak salah bukan kalau saya sering berdiam di ruangan

Senin, 14 Desember 2009

What does love mean?

A group of professional people posed this question to a group of 4 to 8 year-olds, "What does love mean?"
The answers they got were broader and deeper than anyone could have imagined. See what you think:

Sekelompok orang-orang profesional mengajukan pertanyaan ini kepada sekelompok anak usia 4 sampai anak-anak usia 8 tahun, tentang "Apa artinya cinta?"
Jawaban yang mereka punya itu lebih luas dan lebih dalam dari yang dapat dibayangkan. Lihat apa yang Anda pikirkan:

"When my grandmother got arthritis, she couldn't bend over and paint her toenails anymore. So my grandfather does it for her all the time, even when his hands got arthritis too. That's love."
Rebecca - age 8

"Ketika nenekku menderita radang sendi, ia tidak bisa membungkuk dan mengecat kuku-kuku kakinya lagi. Jadi, kakek saya melakukan itu untuknya sepanjang waktu, bahkan ketika tangannya juga menderita radang sendi. That's love."
Rebecca - usia 8

"When someone loves you, the way they say your name is different. You just know that your name is safe in their mouth."
Billy - age 4

"Ketika seseorang mencintai Anda, cara mereka mengatakan nama Anda berbeda. Anda hanya tahu bahwa namamu aman di mulut mereka."
Billy - usia 4

"Love is when a girl puts on perfume and a boy puts on shaving cologne and they go out and smell each other."
Karl - age 5

"Cinta adalah ketika seorang gadis memakai parfum dan seorang anak laki-laki bercukur dan memakai cologne dan mereka pergi keluar dan mencium bau satu sama lain."
Karl - usia 5

"Love is when you go out to eat and give somebody most of your French fries without making them give you any of theirs."
Chrissy - age 6

"Cinta adalah ketika Anda pergi keluar untuk makan dan memberikan seseorang sebagian besar kentang goreng Perancis tanpa membuat mereka memberi Anda pun dari mereka."
Chrissy - usia 6

"Love is what makes you smile when you're tired."
Terri - age 4

"Cinta adalah apa yang membuat Anda tersenyum ketika Anda lelah."
Terri - age 4

"Love is when my mommy makes coffee for my daddy and she takes a sip before giving it to him, to make sure the taste is OK."
Danny - age 7

"Cinta adalah ketika ibuku membuat kopi untuk ayahku dan dia mencicipinya sebelum memberikannya kepadanya, untuk memastikan rasanya OK."
Danny - usia 7

"Love is when you kiss all the time. Then when you get tired of kissing, you still want to be together and you talk more. My Mommy and Daddy are like that. They look gross when they kiss"
Emily - age 8

"Cinta adalah jika kamu mencium sepanjang waktu. Kemudian ketika Anda lelah mencium, Anda masih ingin bersama-sama dan Anda berbicara lebih banyak. My Mommy dan Daddy memang seperti itu. Mereka tampak kotor ketika mereka mencium"
Emily - usia 8

"Love is what's in the room with you at Christmas if you stop opening presents and listen."
Bobby - age 7

"Cinta adalah apa yang ada di ruangan dengan Anda di Natal jika Anda berhenti membuka hadiah dan mendengar."
Bobby - usia 7

"If you want to learn to love better, you should start with a friend who you hate,"
Nikka - age 6

"Jika Anda ingin belajar mencintai lebih baik, Anda harus mulai dengan seorang teman yang kamu benci,"
Nikka - usia 6

"Love is when you tell a guy you like his shirt, then he wears it everyday."
Noelle - age 7

"Cinta adalah ketika Anda mengatakan Anda seorang pria seperti kemeja, maka ia memakainya sehari-hari."
Noelle - usia 7

"Love is like a little old woman and a little old man who are still friends even after they know each other so well."
Tommy - age 6

"Cinta adalah seperti seorang wanita tua kecil dan orang tua pria kecil yang masih berteman bahkan setelah mereka saling mengenal dengan baik."
Tommy - umur 6

"During my piano recital, I was on a stage and I was scared. I looked at all the people watching me and saw my daddy waving and smiling. He was the only one doing that. I wasn't scared anymore."
Cindy - age 8

"Selama pertunjukan piano, aku berada di panggung dan aku takut. Aku melihat semua orang menonton saya dan melihat ayahku melambai dan tersenyum. Dia adalah satu-satunya yang melakukan hal itu. Aku tidak takut lagi."
Cindy - usia 8

"My mommy loves me more than any body. You don't see anyone else kissing me to sleep at night."
Clare - age 6

"My mommy mencintai saya lebih daripada tubuh. Anda tidak melihat orang lain berciuman saya untuk tidur di malam hari."
Clare - usia 6

"Love is when Mommy gives Daddy the best piece of chicken."
Elaine-age 5

"Cinta adalah ketika Ibu memberi potongan Daddy terbaik ayam."
Elaine-age 5

"Love is when Mommy sees Daddy smelly and sweaty and still says he is handsomer than Brad Pitt."
Chris - age 7

"Cinta adalah ketika Ibu melihat Ayah bau dan berkeringat dan masih mengatakan dia tampan dari Brad Pitt."
Chris - usia 7

"Love is when your puppy licks your face even after you left him alone all day."
Mary Ann - age 4

"Cinta adalah jika piaraan anda menjilat wajahmu bahkan setelah Anda meninggalkannya sendirian sepanjang hari."
Mary Ann - usia 4

"I know my older sister loves me because she gives me all her old clothes and has to go out and buy new ones."
Lauren - age 4

"Saya tahu kakakku mencintaiku karena dia memberikan saya semua pakaian tua dan harus pergi keluar dan membeli yang baru."
Lauren - usia 4

"When you love somebody, your eyelashes go up and down and little stars come out of you."
Karen - age 7

"Bila Anda mencintai seseorang, bulu mata Anda naik dan turun dan bintang-bintang kecil keluar dari Anda."
Karen - usia 7

"You really shouldn't say 'I love you' unless you mean it. But if you mean it, you should say it a lot. People forget."
Jessica - age 8

"Anda sebaiknya tidak mengatakan" Aku cinta kamu 'kecuali jika Anda sungguh-sungguh. Tetapi jika Anda sungguh-sungguh, Anda harus mengatakan itu banyak. Orang-orang lupa. "
Jessica - usia 8

And the final one -- Author and lecturer Leo Buscaglia once talked about a contest he was asked to judge. The purpose of the contest was to find the most caring child. The winner was a four year old child whose next door neighbor was an elderly gentleman who had recently lost his wife. Upon seeing the man cry, the little boy went into the old gentleman's yard, climbed onto his lap, and just sat there. When his Mother asked what he had said to the neighbor, the little boy said, "Nothing, I just helped him cry"

Dan yang terakhir - Penulis dan dosen Leo Buscaglia pernah berbicara tentang kontes ia diminta untuk jadi juri. Tujuan kontes ini untuk menemukan anak yang paling peduli. Pemenang adalah seorang anak berusia empat tahun yang tetangga sebelah seorang pria tua yang baru saja kehilangan istrinya. Setelah melihat orang menangis, anak kecil itu masuk ke pekarangan rumah pria tua, naik ke pangkuannya, dan hanya duduk di sana. Ketika Ibunya bertanya apa yang telah engkau katakan kepada tetangga, anak kecil itu berkata, "Tidak ada, aku hanya membantunya menangis"

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Rabu, 09 Desember 2009

WiMAX Chip Companies Ponder the Future of 4G Networks

Key issues in evolving wireless networks to 4G, the WiMAX eco-system and next generation air interface silicon were addressed by four leading semiconductor companies at IEEE ComSoc SCV panel session. Intel's 4G Visionary also offers his views.

Four leading WiMAX semiconductor companies - Sequans, Beceem, GCT and Wavesat- presented their outlook for 4G networks and related silicon at the May 13th IEEE ComSoc panel session entitled, "Semiconductor Evolution to 4G: Mobile WiMAX, LTE, and other 4G technologies." This article will summarize that session and include additional comments from other experts on the journey to 4G mobile networks.

Before we dive deeper, let's consider what 4G actually means and network operator challenges that are driving them to deploy 4G networks. 
Backgrounder: 4G definitions and challenges ahead
  • To the standards purist (like this author) 4G networks will be based on ITU-R IMT Advanced recommendations, which are not yet completed. It is expected that LTE Advanced (3GPP version 10?) and the 4G version of WiMAX (IEEE 802.16m) will meet the LTE Advanced requirements and will be accepted as 4G standards. For more on the purist's view of 4G, please see reference 3. below.
  • Many others believe that the initial version of LTE (3GPP release 8) and Mobile WiMAX (IEEE 802.16e) are 4G network technologies, because they already have the key building blocks required by 4G: OFDMA, flat- all IP- network, fixed or mobile operation, MIMO, hybrid ARQ (Automatic Repeat reQuest- for repeat transmission of mis-received packets) at the PHY layer, multi-megabit speeds delivered to users, etc. Those folks say that only incremental advancements will be made in future ("official 4G") versions of the respective standard.
  • China may have its own 4G standards as well, making for a very confused 4G world. For example, China Mobile is said to be planning for a TDD version of LTE that will be backward compatible with TD-SCDMA and GSM.
  • Whatever you think 4G really is, the wireless network operators will be forced to move forward with their 4G deployments in the next two to four years. Why? The amount of mobile data and video traffic continues to explode and 3G networks (which are packet over TDM overlays) will not be able to handle the speed requirements of many simultaneous mobile data/video users. Data caps (e.g. bandwidth metering) will have to be instituted which will frustrate and annoy users.

Let's take a look at some of the challenges mobile network operators face on their evolution from 3G to 4G networks. We have previously written that smart phones and "all-in-one" gadgets are driving the need for more bandwidth and QOS. This past week, AT&T CEO Randall Stephenson stated that networks were becoming choked by increased smart phone data traffic. This dynamic is already accelerating the movement to 3.5G mobile data networks and will eventually push operators to 4G. Reason: 4G networks offer more bandwidth per user, are more bandwidth efficient (e.g. OFDMA and MIMO), and are "all IP" packet based (vs. TDM overlays). For more on how network operators might deal with the mobile data explosion, please see reference 4. below.

Notebooks and netbooks will be heavy user 4G clients, because they are capable of much higher sustained throughput when uploading or downloading large (multimedia, video or zip) files. Multiple concurrent PC users will likely stress test a 4G network's performance guarantees. In particular, 4G networks will need to provide large amounts of bandwidth to multiple simultaneous users along with QOS for differentiated services and applications.

But what are those new services and applications? A huge problem for wireless operators is that their revenues are not keeping pace with the great increase in network bandwidth consumed and the need for QOS to support multimedia and "rich media" applications. Hence, revenue producing services must be developed and come to market quickly for operators to get a decent ROI on their investments in next generation mobile broadband networks.

Mobile video, gaming, music streaming, smart grid sensors, location based services/ advertising, and other applications have been hyped for years, but no sustainable business model(s) has yet been developed for them. Eventually, the market will determine the apps and revenue models (charging vs. advertising) that succeed or fail.
Session Presentation Highlights:

Lars Johnsson of Beceem expressed what seemed to be a consensus view of the four semiconductor company panelists: "Wireless is the hard part, silicon is the easy part." The basic premise is that the algorithms needed to achieve good performance on an OFDMA based wireless broadband link is more difficult then designing the silicon for that same link- especially when the end point is in motion. The broadband wireless design challenge starts with constantly changing signal strength and it gets more difficult once the terminal starts moving. Some of the wireless design issues Lars identified were: signal tracking (to improve performance under all conditions), channel estimation (allows for better decoding), high-speed mobility, hand-off (from one base station to another), maximum likelihood receiver (improves receiver sensitivity), interference detection, and noise cancellation.

Ambroise Popper of Sequans stated that many core silicon functional blocks, now used in WiMAX (IEEE 802.16e-2005) can be leveraged for 4G: the OFDM modulator/demodulator, FEC, Channel estimation, and MIMO processing. Sequans plans to facilitate a smooth evolution to 4G for WiMAX network operators. They plan to develop and offer converged dual-mode IC's for backwards compatibility with Mobile WiMAX devices. Those components will fully support the existing 802.16e and either 802.16m or LTE (dependent on market demand). They see efficient low-power implementation and radio performance as key differentiators between 4G and Mobile WiMAX/802.16e.

Sequans CEO Georges Karam believes WiMAX/802.16e is providing economies of scale to network operators that plan to offer both fixed broadband wireless and mobile services. Of course, the big semiconductor growth opportunity is in the mobile space, since all the smart terminal devices and gadgets would contain 4G chips and radios. Georges believes that LTE is the future, but the issue is when will it be commercially realizable to large number of customers? He predicts that LTE won't happen till 2012. Nonetheless, Sequans plans to sample an LTE chip set (baseband and RF) sometime next year. It will evolve over the next three to five years to meet network operator requirements and have backward compatibility via dual modes.

Alex Sum of GCT presented a very pragmatic assessment of the WiMAX vs LTE debates. He first highlighted the cellular, WiMAX, and Wireless LAN paths, which all converge to 4G.

Alex believes that most WiMAX operators are 'green field' operators, while legacy cellcos are generally looking to LTE. The Greenfield WiMAX carriers are characterized by the following attributes:
  • They do NOT own existing cellular networks (with a few exceptions ), but in large #s
  • They provide low cost alternatives to higher cost DSL, and high cost 3G services
  • They provide data speed much better than current 3G, and even 3.5G cellular
  • They are serving developed, as well as under-developed countries
  • They are meeting the 'market hunger' for high, uninterrupted data speed
  • With mobile dual mode devices available, it levels the wireless playing field
  • IEEE 802.16m, if it is released in time, will match those higher performances of LTE

Alex correctly observes that most 3G cellular operators are committed to LTE deployments. The LTE line-up includes an awesome bunch of cellco's: Verizon and Verizon Wireless, Vodafone, KDDI, DoCoMo, CMCC (China Mobile is planning TDD-LTE). Here are some of Alex's observations and expectations for LTE:
  • LTE FDD development is ahead of TDD by at least six months (FDD needs two transmit/receive chains and is hence more expensive to implement than a TDD component)
  • Just like UMTS and WiMAX, initial LTE device introduction will follow a maturation trend, but of course there will be some surprises
  • LTE will be data-centric with PC data cards, USB dongles, and smart phones
  • Femto APs will be developed and installed within homes and buildings (for better indoor penetration and to take traffic off cellular networks)
  • Finally, embedded devices and handsets will become available

From GCT's perspective, WiMAX is and continues to be a very viable market. It is a growing into a very large world market, certainly not a niche. It will pay off handsomely for all those who have invested and persisted. The strong eco-system being built-up by WiMAX will enable IEEE 802.16m to prove itself to be a strong competitor for LTE. WiMAX and LTE are both OFDMA based, so they could be complimentary offerings, and could even converge. GCT is keeping a close eye on the industrial trend and commercial developments.
Editors Note: GCT's Mobile WiMAX Wave 2 single-chip GDM7205, which supports both 2.3GHz and 2.5GHz, has been integrated into LG Innotek's new M-WiMAX SIP module. This module is said to be the smallest Mobile WiMAX module available today.

Raj Singh, CEO of Wavesat- an innovator in multimode 4G baseband chipsets - touted the company's Odyssey architecture, where a single vendor programmable chipset can be used to support WiMAX/802.16e, LTE and XGP in different versions/ part numbers. A vendor programmable Air-Interface chip architecture was said to offer flexibility and "uncompromised" performance. The following Odyssey attributes were highlighted:
  • Programmable 4G PHY layer
  • WiMAX Wave 2 (MIMO Matrix A & B, beam-forming and Hybrid-ARQ), LTE Cat 3, XG-P 1.0 (Japanese version of 4G)
  • TDD & FDD with channelization of up to 20 MHz
  • Adaptive modulation schemes (up to QAM-256 in DL and UL), up to 1K FFT, multi-zone support per frame and advanced FEC techniques
  • Enhanced Security Protocol (EAP, AES and PKMv2)
  • OTA In-field programmable

Raj suggested there were several 4G market segments, defined by category:
  1. Fixed Data Access: Last Mile backhaul, DSL replacement, Femotcells
  2. Data Mobility: Notebook, MID, UMPC, Handset
  3. Embedded: Security Cameras, Game consoles, Wireless HDMI, Digital cameras
  4. Voice: VoIP, GSM, CDMA

There might be several 4G Wireless Standards in different parts of the world, with some countries going with WiMAX, others with LTE, or their own home grown versions of 4G (e.g. Japan and China). [Author's Note: If there were too many 4G variants, the worldwide 4G market could be fractured, with insufficient volumes to drive prices down. Further, there would be serious interworking and roaming problems for users that traveled.]

Advances in semiconductor technology were seen as an enabler of 4G network and device capabilities. In particular:
  • Very dense process geometry
  • Very low power (needed for long battery life)
  • Mixed signal availability on bulk CMOS
  • CMOS volume drives pricing
  • Dense geometries allow significant integration

4G Discussion Topics:

The consensus belief of the four participants was that WiMAX/ 802.16e is a very credible competitor to 3G networks and it will be a commercial success - even if true mobility doesn't happen on a large scale. The networking technology just "won't be as sexy." While all of the companies mentioned are offering WiMAX components, only Sequans and Wavesat stated they were also developing LTE chips/ chip sets.

During the panel session, Ambroise Popper of Sequans said it was not likely for a semiconductor company to combine 3G and Mobile WiMAX on the same chip/ chip set, because those two wireless networks would generally not be built out by the same network operator. (Again, the one exception we know of is SPRINT, which has its EVDO based 3G network and will be a MVNO for Clearwire's Mobile WiMAX service.),

Jose P. Puthenkulam- Intel's WiMAX Standards Director and 4G visionary- recently commented on the MVNO model and shared network approach to offering 4G services: "I feel the model where every operator goes out and builds a nationwide wireless network is broken. It creates an entire duplicate network infrastructure and results in more costs being passed on to the end user. With network sharing and MVNO models, there is more scale and also better capital efficiency and overall end users will get more affordable services."

Jose also has a strong opinion on mobile VoIP: "I see Mobile VoIP happening on WiMAX first even before LTE. The reason is that today 3G networks have been designed to also support Circuit Switched (CS) voice. So as 3G voice is primarily still going to be circuit switched, there will be a push to continue CS voice over LTE networks to maintain seamless behavior.

One huge advantage for WiMAX is that it has no legacy (backward compatible network) and therefore will be able to always use Mobile VoIP. That allows for rich augmentation of voice services. However LTE networks with CS voice will be the same old cellular voice (to be backward compatible with 2G and 3G) for some time to come."

More from Jose in a two-part interview, to be published in the very near future.

1. The May 13th ComSoc session presentations and speaker bios can be accessed from:

2. At our March 25th meeting, Intel presented a Mobile WiMAX Update and IEEE 802.16m (the 4G version of WiMAX). Presentation is at:

3. Are LTE and mobile WiMAX really 4G networks? A look at ITU-R IMT Advanced Requirements

4. How will wireless network operators cope with the coming bandwidth bottlenecks of the 'Zettabyte Era?'

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Kamis, 03 Desember 2009

Kisah Sang Elang

Seorang petani menemukan sebuah telur di sawahnya, dan ternyata telur yang ditemukannya itu adalah telur elang. Namun si petani tersebut tidak menyadarinya. Wah, lumayan nih dapet sebutir telur, bisa untuk tambahan menu makanan hari ini, pikir si petani. Sesampainya di rumah, petani tersebut urung melakukan niatnya, melihat bentuk telur itu yang agak besar dan berbeda dengan telur ayam biasanya. Akhirnya si petani tersebut menaruh telur elang tersebut di kandang seekor ayam betina di belakang rumahnya untuk di-erami.

Hari berganti hari, dan akhirnya telur elang itupun menetas bersama dengan telur-telur ayam lainnya. Masa kanak-kanak elang tersebut dihabiskan dengan anak-anak ayam yang lain. Dan akhirnya tingkah elang tersebut pun seperti layaknya ayam yang lain. Si anak elang menjalani kehidupannya seperti ayam, seperti yang dilakukan sang saudara tirinya, mencari cacing, bermain dengan ayam-ayam.

Hingga suatu saat dia melihat ada seekor elang terbang diatas mereka, sang anak elang pun terpana melihat elang tersebut terbang bebas diangkasa. “wah enak ya si elang bisa terbang bebas,” kata si anak elang tersebut. ”Jangan mimpi deh, kamu kan ayam ngga bisa terbang seperti mereka,” kata saudara tiri si elang.

Anak elang tumbuh dewasa. Badannya semakin tegar, sayapnya semakin kokoh, kuat paruhnya semakin tajam, dan kakinya semakin mencengkram. Tapi dia masih saja bertingkah seperti ayam. Dia tidak berani tuk mengepakkan sayapnya, hanya bersedih melihat dirinya berbeda dengan ayam-ayam lainnya dan hanya bisa memandang ke langit memperhatikan burung-burung lain yang terbang. Hingga akhirnya si elang itupun mati tanpa ia bisa mengepakkan sayapnya dan terbang tinggi di angkasa.

Sebuah pelajaran yang berharga dari cerita di atas. Tentang diibaratkannya diri kita adalah seekor elang yang sebetulnya mampu untuk terbang, melayang tinggi, dan bermain di angkasa. Hanya tinggal kemauan untuk mencoba mengepakkan sayap, maka kita akan bisa terbang bersama burung-burung yang lain dan malah bisa lebih tinggi kalau kita menyadari bahwa diri kita memiliki kelebihan dan kekuatan untuk melakukan hal itu.

Tapi sayang, kadang-kadang mental kita masih berada jauh dari impian, masih berkutat di dalam lingkungan yang sempit, kuno, dan tidak mau berubah seperti eleng tadi. Untuk keluar mencoba melakukan sesuatu hal yang baru masih belum bisa dan tidak berani melakukannya. Kita masih terkondisikan oleh lingkungan, tanpa mau tahu sebetulnya kita juga bisa menciptakan kondisi lingkungan.

Memang berat menjadi seekor elang di lingkungan ayam, karena memang sudah menjadi kebiasaan, menjadi sebuah tabiat, semua dilakukan atas asas tradisi. Tapi tidak ada salahnya tuk mencoba, tidak ada salahnya tuk bisa berubah. Hidup adalah sebuah alur yang tidak selalu lurus. Ia bergerak dinamis mengikuti arah perkembangan jaman.

Banyak rintangan dan hambatan menjadikan sebuah pelajaran buat kita tuk bisa menghadapinya. Kesabaran tuk belajar mengepakkan sayap secara perlahan-lahan tapi pasti akan menunjukkan jati diri bahwa kita adalah manusia yang diciptakan oleh Allah secara sempurna yang diberikan akal untuk berpikir, tuk bertahan hidup, dan juga tuk bisa merasakan setiap perbedaan dengan perubahan.

Rabu, 02 Desember 2009

Gladi bersih upacara wisuda

Tadi siang gladi bersih upacara wisuda ke XV kampus saya yang di adakan di sebuah hotel... wuiih seru but bikin capek... acara yg sebenerna sederhana tapi bikin capek. acara di mulai jam 1 siang dan selesai menjelang magrib tersebut mang menguras tenaga para panitia... padahal cman acara baris duduk berdiri jalan duduk lagi... gk da yg lain... tapi bisa 1/2 ari ndiri...
Ada 8 jurusan yang diwisuda yang membuat repot para panitia... yah namana juga mahasiswa...

yang q suka acara tadi siang ntuh ini nieh yg divideo bawah nieh... kerenn... judulna politama in action...hekeke... liat deh..

Selasa, 01 Desember 2009

Motorola introduces WiMAX USB adaptor

Model USBw 100 supports 2.3, 2.5 or 3.5 GHz bands for laptop mobile broadband services.

Motorola, Inc. announced Tuesday its first WiMAX USB adaptor, the model USBw 100. At the size of a thumb-drive, the diminutive device packs a lot of broadband performance into a small space. Three versions of the stick will be available, depending on the supported frequency band -- 2.3, 2.5 or 3.5 GHz. The Motorola USBw 100 plugs directly into laptop computers to provide mobile and nomadic wireless broadband connectivity, both indoors and out. It is expected to be available in Q4 2008.

Motorola's wi4 WiMAX USB adaptor has been designed with multiple antenna technology for improved signal coverage in tough to reach places.  The company offers an additional performance boost if the USB dongle is connecting with either the dual antenna Diversity Access Point (DAP) or Wireless Access Point (WAP) 400 Series.  In that configuration, both the uplink and downlink performance for the customer are significantly enhanced.

"Our new USBw 100 adaptor will let people enjoy desktop-like performance while on the go with their laptop computers by giving them wireless connectivity to a WiMAX service provider's broadband wireless network," said Charles Riggle, senior director of strategy and business development, WiMAX devices, Home & Networks Mobility.

The USBw 100 is expected to be the mainstay laptop peripheral for Clearwire USA's WiMAX launch later this year in Portland, Oregon and could also make the rounds at Sprint Nextel's XOHM network and other networks where Motorola is providing infrastructure.  The development of additional sales channels for retail and e-commerce are necessary for would-be WiMAX users to gain quick and easy access to WiMAX devices such as this USB adaptor.

By Jeff Orr, ORR Technology, LLC